Scottish Riley Enthusiasts at Peebles Hydro

Another great turnout of Riley’s for the 31st SRE National Weekend

A fine trio of RM’s

There was a fabulous turnout for the Scottish Riley Enthusiasts 31st National Rally last weekend, which was hosted at Peebles Hydro Hotel & Spa in the Scottish Borders. A great mix of pre & post war Rileys, including some very fine RM’s. Saturday gave the opportunity to explore the local countryside and was followed by the Gala Dinner. Sunday took the cars to Traquair House, Scotlands oldest inhabited house for the a picnic (even if it was a little soggy due to the rain) and prize giving. It was a very enjoyable weekend indeed. If you’ve not been to an SRE weekend before you can be assured a warm welcome awaits.

Just some of the 70+ Rileys that attended the SRE 31st National Rally at Peebles Hydro
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