Riley RM Club 50th Anniversary National Rally, Warwick School, 19th – 21st July 2019

At this year’s National Rally we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Club. We were delighted to have John Byron, Founder & Honorary President of the Riley RM Club as our guest of honour for the weekend. Victor Riley, a man who needs no introduction, attended our celebratory Gala Dinner on Saturday evening too.

The event attracted in excess of 175 entrants from all corners of the globe and was a glorious sight to behold for Riley lovers and car enthusiasts alike. After a deluge on Friday evening, the weather gods looked upon us kindly and the sun shone on the wonderful collection of cars gathered on the outfields of Warwick School.

This was possibly the largest collection of Rileys on display together in the world this year!

Have you ever seen such a fine array of Rileys?

Throughout the weekend there was the opportunity to buy spares & regalia from our spares team and regalia secretary, seek technical advice form our friendly tech wizards, enjoy a test drive, visit the John Horn workshop, ask our vehicle registrar about the history of the cars, be incredibly impressed by the craft work of some of our members & their families, visit the jewellery & handicraft trade stands and of course enjoy tea, coffee & cake from our very own ‘dinner ladies’

And speaking of cake ……………………. There was a wonderful celebration cake for everyone to share.

The beautiful celebration cake which was made by Audrey Garner
Guest of Honour, John Byron, Founder & Honorary President cuts the cake!

All in all, it was a great weekend for meeting up with old friends and for making new ones.

Many thanks to our social secretaries North & South and the multitude of volunteers for making the 50th Anniversary National Rally one we’ll never forget. Here’s to Market Rasen 2020!

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