The RM Club is for you . . .

. . . if you are or intend to become a Riley RM owner or just love Rileys. Many people join the club first and hear of cars becoming available from other members – a safer way to start ownership.

. . . if you need spare parts. The Club’s spares company holds very large stocks of new spares and specialises in RMs. There is an illustrated spares website to enable members to place orders online

. . . if you need advice. The Club advisors and other members are only too pleased to help. The Club sells instruction books, workshop manuals etc.

. . . if you enjoy the social activities connected with car clubs, meetings, day trips, rallies and a sense of belonging and sharing your interests.

. . . if you are an enthusiast and want to keep the 'Riley' name alive.

Membership is open to all owners and enthusiasts of the Riley RM series motor cars made between 1945 and 1957, and is also open to owners of pre-war Nuffield Rileys and those post-war Healeys using Riley mechanical parts.