CarFest North, Bolesworth, Cheshire: 26th – 28th July 2019

It was sunny at the start ………………..

On what was hoped to be a very sunny weekend at the end of July, twelve of our members attended the Riley RM Club’s first venture to a festival event. Unfortunately, the weather gods were to be against them. However, with true Riley determination they stood their (soggy) ground and made the most of the event, ignoring the dreadful rain that fell over the entire weekend. During the now re named ‘RainFest’, our brave contingent were happy to show off our beautiful cars to the hundreds of thousands of festival goers. There were plenty of photo opportunities for visitors to our display – including many a young Riley! Let’s hope these young Rileys love their namesake and become Riley RM Club members in the future. The competition to guess the number of balloons in one of the Rileys attracted many entrants and was a great success, adding to the spirit of the weekend and helping to raise funds for the festival charity, BBC Children in Need. Fingers crossed the sun has his hat on for our visit next year!

Our happy bunch of members who worked on despite the torrential downpours ….
All set up and ready for visitors
Here they come ……………
A young Riley ‘drives’ an older Riley!
Rileys ready for inspection at CarFest North, Bolesworth, July 26-29th 2019
In the words of Sir Bruce Forsyth ‘Didn’t they do well?’
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