1947 Riley hits the right note ……..

1947 Riley hits the right note …….

This 1947 Riley RMA’s first registered owner was none other than the legendary wartime jazz man and radio band leader Harry Mortimer, OBE, CBE. During his illustrious career Harry was head of the BBC’s brass and military bands supervisor and a soloist with the Hallé Orchestra in Manchester and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra. Now owned by Andrew Greenhough, the RMA will be on display at the Yorkshire Post Motor Show and Classic Car Rally on Sunday 16th June at Harewood House. To view this fabulous classic, enter a car or for tickets visit www.ypmotorshow.co.uk Photographs taken from The Yorkshire Post, Saturday 20th April 2019.

Andrew’s Riley is still in tune!

1947 Riley RMA aka ‘Old Treasure’ owned by Andrew Greenhough
Original Log Book showing the first registered owner
Interior of Andrew’s RMA

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